No foreign news but a theatrical quarrel: Guardian archive, Christmas Day 1824

Even Christmas Day didn't stop the Manchester Guardian printing presses in 1824, though it was a slow news day for the foreign desk and the culture section was distracted by an intriguing theatrical disagreement

We briefly alluded, in our last, to the misunderstanding betwixt the Liverpool managers and Miss Cramer; and intended to have gone pretty fully into the subject this week; but, as it has now in a great degree lost its interest, from the submission of the young lady, and as we have no wish whatever to keep up a discussion which could not redound to her credit; we shall content ourselves with giving the termination of the business.

After the disgraceful riots on Monday and Wednesday evenings, all the force of Miss Cramer's party seemed to be gathering for an attack on Friday, which was the last night of the season, and the benefit of the manager, Mr. Banks; but in the afternoon it was announced that Miss Cramer had sent an apology for her conduct to the managers, which would be read at the theatre, and that she would assist that evening to sing "God save the King," the usual farewell of the company.

The house was tolerably full, although, no doubt, in fear of riot, many respectable families had been prevented attending. When the curtain dropt, after the play, Mr. Vandenoff came forward and read Miss Cramer's apology, and the managers' answer, in the following words:-

To the Managers of the Theatre Royal.
Gentlemen.- After mature consideration, I am very sorry that I did not at first pay the fine which, in obedience to the regulations of the theatre, you have exacted. I now do agree to the payment of it, and in future during my engagement, I shall willingly subscribe myself to the rules of your establishment.- Your obedient servant,
Mary Cramer.
Christian-street, Friday, Dec. 17, half-past two.

"To which they returned the following answer:-
The managers have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of Miss Cramer's note, and, in reply they beg to inform her, that they will be glad to see her at the theatre this evening, to assist in singing God save the King - Having enforced the rules of the theatre so necessary for the welfare of both managers and performers, they have no wish to remember any thing which has taken place without its walls.
Theatre Royal 16th December.

"In presenting this correspondence to your notice, ladies and gentlemen, the managers cannot avoid stating their regret, that any circumstance should have occasioned disturbance in their theatre. But, at the same time, they beg to observe, that the rules under which this establishment is governed, are equally necessary for the welfare of all concerned with it; and they rejoice to say, that this conviction has had due effect in terminating those differences which had arisen from their infraction."

This pacific annunciation was received with general applause; and there the matter terminated.

